We started a new project - INSIGHT!

On October 28th and 29th, the in our Impact Hub office in Zagreb we hosted the first meeting of the INSIGHT project partners. This was an opportunity to once again focus on prisoners, individuals, and youth at risk, specifically their media portrayal and integration into society. All of this was combined with networking with young journalists, numerous workshops, research, and further collaborations.

Partners from Lithuania, Ukraine, Italy, and Croatia gathered to start working toward an important goal—changing the way prisoners and former prisoners are portrayed in the media and society.

During the two-day meeting, we discussed the project’s vision and objectives, with a particular emphasis on the research that will guide our future activities. We defined target groups, research questions, and tools for data collection. Local programs—such as workshops and events in prisons—also took shape as we explored the best ways to connect media representatives with the people whose stories they shape.

Communication was another key topic. We agreed on rules for effective collaboration, including organizing online meetings and managing feedback, to ensure the project runs smoothly.

Beyond the work, the meeting was an opportunity for bonding and networking. Together, we enjoyed an evening featuring a visit to a local museum and informal socializing.

The Zagreb meeting brought a dose of optimism and camaraderie that will follow us throughout the project. All partners are leaving motivated and ready for the challenges ahead.

Written on:

December 2, 2024


Branimir Radaković


