Crowdfunding minimizes business risk-taking and increases entrepreneurial mind-set, which is why an unused crowdfunding potential represents a huge challenge, especially in the eastern parts of central European countries. We recognized this challenge while working on the Crowdfunding Academy project, and joined the consortium of organizations working on the Crowd-Fund-Port project with the realization of the importance of overcoming it.

New financing options for start-ups

CROWD-FUND-PORT aims thus to improve the skills and competences of all relevant stakeholder groups to prepare them for taking advantage of the crowdfunding phenomena. Change is visible in improved financial conditions for start-ups fostering innovation, employment and social stability in the region. The project focused on economically weaker businesses with fewer opportunities, who do not have access to bank loans, but who would be able to start business ideas through crowdfunding.

Empowering all key stakeholders for crowdfunding

The project, including ten partners from nine central European countries, was launched in 2016. Main results provided by Brodoto team include identifying obstacles in development of crowdfunding ecosystem in Croatia, publishing manual on that topic, supporting and consulting 20 teams and writing action plan for further development of crowdfunding in Croatia for the period 2020.-2025.

Crowd-Fund-Port is funded by the Interreg Central Europe program. Follow the Crowd-Fund-Port Facebook page.




