Green Island Festival

Green Island Festival welcomed its long-awaited first edition this summer in Sućuraj on the island of Hvar, in collaboration with TAM TAM Music Festival 2022. In the pine forest of Česminica Bay, we learned about zero waste lifestyle, sustainable construction, permaculture, and biodynamic agriculture (both online and in person) and got to know local family farms. For information about the speakers and the festival schedule, visit: Green Island Festival - HVAR. The festival taught us that the greatest value of permaculture and biodynamic practices in agriculture, architecture, and culture is the collaboration and involvement of our immediate community in our projects! Organizing the festival during the peak of another particularly challenging season required true teamwork, and the Brodoto association wishes to thank its team players.

First, we acknowledge the support of the U.S. Embassy in Croatia, whose representative, Vanja Ratković, visited us during the festival; Fjori fôra garden and Uljara Radojković Bogomolje - Hvar from Gdinj and Bogomolje, who took the time to show us their estates, agricultural practices, and future plans; Ani Stuparić and Udruga Avokado, who coordinated volunteers and helped design the program; Ante Piacun from TAM TAM Music Festival, without whom GIF could not have taken place in Sućuraj; the municipality of Sućuraj for their hospitality and for providing space for some of the lectures; Matej Čelar for the beautiful photos and being our technical wizard; all the speakers, audience, and local product producers; Amélie & the guys from Starigrad for the impromptu concert; Vitali natural products, Hemp Strains, and other exhibitors at our creative and family farm market; the Hvar police station for their cooperation (and interest in the films we screened); the team in the TAM kitchen; Ivan Ramljak for the right to screen the film "Kino Otok"; all volunteers/beach cleaners. Thank you, and until the next island adventure!

Check out the photos here: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4.



