Lecture at VERN University

For students in IT Management, Tourism – Tourism and Hotel Management, and Public Relations, in collaboration with dr. Iva Senegović @VERN, we presented the results of the MORE Than Online Education Erasmus+ project on Friday, December 22nd. The lecture covered topics such as developing a communication strategy before launching initiatives, projects, businesses, or campaigns; crowdfunding; and building an online community. It was an opportunity to illustrate, through examples of both profit and non-profit crowdfunding campaigns, how to communicate with one's audience and community and ultimately launch initiatives after raising financial resources.

Around 30 students attended and asked questions about the sustainability of innovative but unconventional business projects, such as tours led by individuals with homelessness experience or catering businesses employing migrants and asylum seekers. They also inquired about the importance of quality business planning and management in such high-risk innovative ventures, where there's a significant risk of burnout due to the high motivation of the initiators.

We commend the students for being highly motivated to participate and engage in discussion on the last Friday before the winter break, and we thank Prof. Senegović for the hospitality!




